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Dave Jabas, 41 Years Experience

Schlage L9453l 06L Plate Trim Lever Mortise Lock Accepts Best SFIC Less Core

Regular price

Quantity: In Stock

SKU: L9453L 06L 626

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  • Description
Schlage L9453l - Ent w/Deadbolt
Latchbolt retracted by knob/lever from either side unless outside is locked by a 20 degree rotation of thumbturn. Deadbolt thrown or retracted by a 90 degree rotation of thumbturn. When locked, key outside or knob/lever inside retracts deadbolt and latchbolt simultaneously. Outside knob/lever remains locked until thumbturn is restored to vertical position. Throwing deadbolt automatically locks outside knob/lever. Auxiliary latch deadlocks latchbolt when door is closed. Inside lever is always free for immediate egress.


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