BEA 10MS21HS Square Plate Touchless Actuator With Text Stainless Steel Finish
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The BEA 10MS21HS Square Plate Touchless Actuator With Text Stainless Steel Finish is in stock and available.
There are many places where it is important to keep your hands clean by avoiding touching common surfaces such as door handles. Wave actuators allow for touchless operation of doors. These can have applications from sterile facilities to hospitals, health care buildings, adult living homes, and even education buildings. Simply wave your hand in front of the marked plate to activate the door electronically without ever touching the plate or the door.
The sensors within the device can be adjusted to recognize activation f rom up to 24 inches away, and comes with a low profile design to reduce the chance of accidental damage in high traffic areas.
The BEA 10MS21HS Square Plate Touchless Actuator With Logo comes in a stainless steel finish.