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Dave Jabas, 41 Years Experience

Von Duprin 5547EO US4 LHR Concealed Vertical Rod Exit Device

Regular price

Quantity: In Stock


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  • Description
The Von Duprin 5547 is the concealed vertical rod variant of the 55 series. Von Duprin's traditional crossbar design has had wide acceptance because of the streamline appearance. Device is furnished with standard 1409 strike in dull black finish. Sex nuts and bolts for mounting are included for 13/49 (44mm) and 21/49 (57mm) thick doors.For all types of doors, and fits stiles as narrow as 1 3/4". For doors up to 4'. This device is handed. Outside Trim shown with Cylinder is not included in the price displayed. The finish of this particular device is Dull Brass (US4). FEATURES:
  • Five popular finishes
  • Field sizeable
  • Hex key dogging
  • 3/4" throw latch bolt